Gangs 0 -10

What are gangs?

Friends who live in the same area as each other, or all go to the same school and who hang around together are not a gang.  Everybody likes to feel part of a group, and that’s absolutely fine!

Gangs are groups of people who may commit crimes or hurt people. They might carry knives or weapons and use them to show off or to threaten people. They might try and get you involved with them and what they do – or threaten to hurt you if you don’t join them.

Some people join gangs because they think this will make them money or make them safer. Really, being in a gang can make people less safe, as rival gangs target them, and can end up with them in trouble with the police.

What can I do if I’m scared of gangs? 

People can feel intimidated and scared of gangs, especially if the gang is violent. You might feel worried about being threatened or attacked. If you’re scared of a gang, there are people who can help you:

  • speak to the Police by calling 101 – they will be aware of gang activity and will support and advise you; or
  • speak to Voice  – we’re here to help, no matter what the problem.
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