Theft – 0-10

What is theft?

Theft is when someone takes something of yours without asking and doesn’t give it back. This is the same as stealing.

What is robbery?

Robbery is when someone takes something of yours and hurts you or says they will hurt you if you don’t give it to them.

How should I feel if I’ve been robbed or had something stolen?

There is no right or wrong way to feel. You might be feeling angry, scared or guilty – it’s ok to feel anything. If you have something taken from you, it’s not your fault.  Even if you left it somewhere, it is still not your fault that someone took it!

What should I do if I have something stolen or robbed?

Tell an adult – It is important that you tell your mum or dad or the person who looks after you.  If this happened at school tell your teacher too.  They will help you, or will get someone who can give you special help if you need it.

Voice is also here to help. Speak to a friendly member of our team. 

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