Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a Victim Personal Statement (VPS)?

A Victim Personal Statement (VPS) is made by a victim of crime. It gives you a chance to say how you’ve been affected by what happened and the impact the crime has had on your life. It’s different to the witness statement, but it's just as important. A VPS can help the police and the Crown Prosecution Service decide whether to oppose any bail application by the offender; if an offender is given bail, it can also help to decide any bail conditions. The VPS helps the Crown Prosecution Service lawyer understand the impact the crime has had on you, your family and friends.

Is my trial guaranteed to go ahead on the day it has been listed?

Some criminal court trials don’t go ahead as planned. Some, called ‘cracked’ cases, don’t go ahead on the intended date at very short notice but don’t need rescheduling – this might be because the defendant entered a guilty plea, or the prosecution drops the case. But other trials that don’t go ahead and do need rescheduling are called ‘ineffective’ – this might be because the prosecution or the defence aren’t ready to begin the trial, or the defendant doesn’t attend as instructed. Those cases that do go ahead are said to be ‘effective’. You will be kept up to date on any changes to your trial date by your Voice support worker.

What happens if I don’t attend my trial?

Your barrister can’t give evidence for you or read out a statement of your evidence on your behalf. If you don’t attend your trial you will therefore be deprived the opportunity of giving evidence and potentially bringing your offender to justice.

How can I keep up to date with how my case is progressing?

You can either track your crime online here or phone Voice on 0300 303 1965 and speak to one of our friendly advisors

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