Your chance to help improve future police and support service in Northamptonshire

Have you been a victim of crime over the past 12 months?

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commission and Northamptonshire Police want to further understand your experiences and your views on the services you received, in order to improve future services for victims of crime.

If you have been a victim of crime in the last 12 months and would be happy to talk about your experiences, please email by Friday 12th July 2019. Staff from the Office of Police, Fire and Crime Commission will then be in touch to arrange a convenient time to speak with you around what you experienced and how services could be improved in future.

Participation is completely voluntary, anonymous and confidential and you have the right to refuse participation, refuse any question and withdraw at any time.

Ensuring that victims’ feedback informs how services are delivered in the future is vitally important – please take this this opportunity to feedback your views!