Stalking and harassment

What is stalking and harassment?

Stalking is constant and unwanted attention that makes you feel pestered and harassed.

This includes behaviour that happens two or more times that is directed at or towards you by another person, which causes you to feel alarmed or distressed or to fear that violence might be used against you.


Being stalked and harassed cam be annoying at the least and extremely frightening at worst. What makes stalking and harassment particularly hard to cope with is that it can go on for a long period of time, making you feel constantly anxious and afraid.

Sometimes the problem can build up slowly and it can take a while for you to realise that you are being stalked or harassed.

What can I do if I’m being stalked or harassed? 

If you’re being stalked or harassed, you should report it to the Police. You can do this online, or by calling 999 (in an emergency) or 101 (in a non-emergency).

On top of this, ensure you:

  • keep a diary of events. Write down the date, time, location and details of any incidents. It’s also a good idea to include information about any other witnesses who can confirm what happened;
  • keep copies of letters, text messages and emails and take screenshots of other online messages (e.g. on Facebook, etc); and
  • try to collect evidence – but be careful to do this discreetly. This can include taking pictures if someone is hanging around your property.

This will help to build a case against the person who is stalking or harassing you. Depending on the circumstances, the courts can order the person to stay away from you.

Who can help me if I’m being stalked or harassed? 

Speak to Voice. We can give you practical help and advice as well as the emotional support you need to cope, recover and thrive.

Our trained experts are here to help, for as long as you need it, no matter what has happened.

I’m receiving unwanted prisoner contact – what can I do?

If you receive unwanted contact in any form from a prisoner you can report it to your Victim Liaison Officer if you have one, or contact:

National Offender Management Service (NOMS) Victim Helpline

When prisoners are released, they’re sometime defined as being ‘on licence’. This means they need to adhere to specific conditions during what remains of their sentence in the community, regardless of the fact they’re no longer in prison. When a prisoner is ‘on licence’, they are supervised by the Probation Service.

You should never have to put up with unwanted contact from an offender who is on licence in the community. If that happens to you, we recommend contacting your local probation trust, the police or Victim Liaison Officer, if you have one.

If the offender is under 18 and being supervised by the Youth Offending Team, you can contact the local Youth Offending Team to report any unwanted contact.