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Emotional support for victims of crime

Getting help or support from us as a victim of crime is free and confidential, meaning we don’t need to tell anyone that we’ve spoken to you. You don’t even have to tell us your name if you don’t want to.


We’ve been set-up to provide emotional support to people like you –  anyone under the age of 21 in Northamptonshire who has been a victim crime, no matter what has happened, when it happened, where it happened or whether it happened. You don’t even have to have reported anything to the police.

Asking for emotional support is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of – we all need a helping hand every now and again!

  • listening to you and helping you understand what has happened and how you can start to feel better;
  • helping you get support from other places if you need it;
  • explaining the law and your rights;
  • helping you speak to the police if you want to, and understanding what happens; and
  • supporting you telling your parents, if you want to.

Whether you just want to talk to Voice, or would like to meet with one of our team, we are here for you. If you’re not quite ready to talk, there’s lots of help and advice here.

Ways you can speak to Voice:

Parental or guardian consent must be obtained if you are under the age of 14.