Support and services
Voice is here to help and support anyone affected by crime, whether you have reported it to the police or not.
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Everyone is entitled to support after a crime. In some situations you might need specialist support. Find out what victim support service is right for you

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Anti-Social Behaviour services
Neighbourhood Watch
Visit websiteReceive local Police Alert messages and Crime Prevention advice: be a member of your local Neighbourhood Watch. It’s free to join via
Child Sexual Exploitation
01604 888345 rise@northants.police.pnn.ukRISE stands for Reducing Incidents of Sexual Exploitation. The function of the RISE team is to provide one to one support with those who are at risk of, or who are being sexually exploited.
For Advice for Children and Young people call or text 116000 24/7.
Domestic Abuse & Domestic Violence services
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Services (NDAS)
0300 012 0154 Visit websiteDelivers domestic abuse support, programmes and refuse for males and females.
01604634400 Visit websiteMany people access Relate Northamptonshire’s services – older, younger, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, black, white and varied ethnic groups. The counsellors, therapists, staff and trainers will always give you the respect you deserve and are experienced at supporting and helping you find the best way forward. They aim to help you, your partner and family members dealing with arguments in relationships, separation and divorce, affairs, sexual problems, step-families, retirement, new baby… anything that has an effect on your relationships.
They also offer support if you’re experiencing stress, anxiety or depression, suffering loss or bereavement or if you are experiencing domestic violence and abuse or if you wish your relationship was more respectful.
Men’s Advice Line
08088010327 Visit websiteMen’s Advice Line: a confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner).
The team of skilled professionals offering practical advice, information and emotional support to male victims of domestic violence, as well as to concerned friends and family and frontline workers.
The service is run and managed by Respect.
Their focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic violence (and the safety of their children) and help them reduce the risk.
NADASA (Northamptonshire Against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse) is made up of different service providers across Northamptonshire working together to support adults and children who are at risk or who have suffered domestic or sexual abuse.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
08448044999NCDV was established to help survivors of domestic violence obtain protection against an abuser, as well as offering services to the police, probation service, domestic abuse agency workers, the legal profession and judiciary.
They specialise in providing free, fast and effective legal support to survivors of domestic violence, usually by helping individuals obtain injunctions from their local county court. This free service is provided to everybody, regardless of their financial circumstances, sexual orientation, race, gender, age, or political or religious belief or otherwise.
Text ‘NCDV’ to 60777
National Domestic Violence Helpline
08082000247The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
The Helpline can give support, help and information over the telephone, wherever the caller might be in the country. The Helpline is staffed 24 hours a day by fully trained female helpline support workers and volunteers. All calls are completely confidential. Translation facilities for callers whose first language is not English, and a service for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing are available.
Nene Valley Christian Refuge (EVE)
01604 230311 Visit websiteEVE provides advice and guidance regarding any domestic violence or abuse support needs, including: access to a safe and secure women’s refuge, telephone support, information about domestic violence and abuse and support to access help.
0808 2000 247 Visit websiteRefuge is national charity supporting women and children who have experienced domestic violence through a range of services, including refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach and culturally specific services.
The Mankind Initiative
08707944124 Visit websiteThe ManKind Initiative is a national charity that provides help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence.
The initiative has the mission to directly and indirectly support male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK and within their local communities.
Sunflower Centre
01604 888211We offer a free service which provides advice and support including:
- Crisis intervention, risk assessment and individual safety planning
- Advice and support on civil and criminal court proceedings
- Signposting to other services such as crime prevention, immigration advice, legal advice, groupwork and counsellors.
- Advocacy with other agencies on your behalf
Northamptonshire Sunflower Centre employs qualified Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA’s) who have specialist knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse including the effects it has on individuals, their family, local community and society as a whole.
FGM, Honoured Based Violence, Forced marriage services
Dostiyo (Asian Women and Girls Association)
01604 745340 Visit websiteDOSTIYO Asian Women and Girls Organisation is a charity serving the Asian community.
Forced Marriage Unit
020 7008 0151 FMU operates a public helpline to provide advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases. The assistance provided ranges from simple safety advice, through to aiding a victim to prevent their unwanted spouse moving to the UK (‘reluctant sponsor’ cases), and, in extreme circumstances, to rescues of victims held against their will overseas.
Northamptonshire Flower
07835 489 907 northamptonshireflower@gmail.comChampions the Human Rights of all girls and women, working towards eradicating the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Northamptonshire and across the UK by supporting victims and protecting those at risk of FGM.
General advice and support services
Neighbourhood Watch
Visit websiteReceive local Police Alert messages and Crime Prevention advice: be a member of your local Neighbourhood Watch. It’s free to join via
Hate Crime services
Northamptonshire Rights & Equality Services
01604 400808 Visit websiteCampaigns for social justice in Northamptonshire and undertakes this work regardless of race, colour, religion, disability, age, sexuality, transgender status or gender.
Northamptonshire Race Equalities Council support and represent individual victims of discrimination and support victims of hate incidents and monitor hate incidents.
Male victims of Domestic Abuse & Violence services
Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Services (NDAS)
0300 012 0154 Visit websiteDelivers domestic abuse support, programmes and refuse for males and females.
Men’s Advice Line
08088010327 Visit websiteMen’s Advice Line: a confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner).
The team of skilled professionals offering practical advice, information and emotional support to male victims of domestic violence, as well as to concerned friends and family and frontline workers.
The service is run and managed by Respect.
Their focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic violence (and the safety of their children) and help them reduce the risk.
Road Peace
0845500355 Visit websiteA national charity for road crash victims, supporting those bereaved or injured, and working for road safety.
Road Peace offer the following support services for road crash victims:
- Emotional support including a national helpline for road crash victims, a befriending network and our Resilience Building support programmes
- Practical information guides that explain the post crash legal procedures
- Advocacy and casework including attending inquests, trials or meetings with the bereaved family and the police, CPS, or their MP.
The Mankind Initiative
0870 794 4124 Visit websiteThe ManKind Initiative is a national charity that provides help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence with the mission to directly and indirectly support male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK and within their local communities.
Mental, Physical, Learning Disability services
Ability Northants
01604 624088 towards equality for disabled people and carers in Northampton
Ask Normen
asknormen@nhs.netOffers support and specialised services to children and young people of Northamptonshire experiencing mental health issues.
Autism Concern
01604 239404 info@autismconcern.orgA “parent led” organisation whose mission is to provide high quality services to people across the autistic spectrum.
helpline: 0800 808 9090
Consensus Support
08081681300 enquiries@consensussupport.comprovide person-centred services for people with learning disabilities and additional health and social care needs
Cube Disability Visit websiteOffer a fun and modern Day Care Service for adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism from our 3 custom built facilities located across Northamptonshire.
Northampton: 01604 603110
Daventry: 01327 311 557
Kettering: 01536 525 868
Keep Safe Scheme Northampton
Visit websiteNorthamptonshire Police in partnership with;
- Age UK
- Autism East Midlands
- Mind
- Learning Disability Partnership
- Northamptonshire Association for the Blind
- Northamptonshire County Council
- Northamptonshire Carers
The Keep Safe Scheme aims to support vulnerable people to keep safe and get help in an emergency when out and about in Northamptonshire.
01604 589011 Visit websiteTo have an accessible and cost effective Centre for Deaf, hearing impaired adults and children offering high quality services that reach well into the community.
Deaf Connect aim to offer services in line with need, in consultation with the Deaf, Deafened and Hard of Hearing communities and other stakeholders.
Minicom: 01604 588184
Headway (East Northants)
01933 652311 Visit websiteHeadway East Northants, based in Irthlingborough, is a charitable organisation providing support and services to those individuals, family members and carers affected by an acquired brain injury.
Headway (Northampton)
01604 591045 Visit websiteHeadway East Northants, based in Northampton, is a charitable organisation providing support and services to those individuals, family members and carers affected by an acquired brain injury.
Mencap (Northampton)
01604 874710 Visit websiteWork in partnership with people with a learning disability, and support people to live life as they choose.
Crisis Cafes by NHFT/Mind
Visit websiteCrisis Cafés are available for anyone 18-years-old or over who are finding themselves in a crisis or need support with their mental health.
Mind (Rushden)
01933 312800 Mind is a mental health charity affiliated to National Mind, serving Rushden, Northamptonshire and the surrounding area. Rushden Mind is committed to the maintenance of well-being to help prevent mental disorder and the provision of support and re-ablement of people suffering from mental disorders or emotional distress.
Northamptonshire Association for the Blind
01604 719193 Visit websiteFor more than 100 years Northamptonshire Association for the Blind have been working with blind and partially sighted people throughout Northamptonshire helping thousands of individuals transform their lives.
they are the leading provider of specialist advice, support and information for anyone encountering sight loss in the county and are here to provide you with the advice, support, information and equipment you need to remain independent.
The range of responsive services have been developed to help you at a time when you need it most.
Northamptonshire National Autistic Society
01933 653200 Visit websiteThe National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for people affected by autism. They provide a wide range of quality, personalised support services for people on the autism spectrum and their families and carers in Northamptonshire.
01604 754120Spectrum is for adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health issues
Spectrum Northants is a registered charity. Spectrum has been established to support adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health issues.
Berrywood Road, Duston, Northampton NN5 6XA
Spectrum northants
01604 754120 been established for adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health issues
02033 558846 Visit websiteVoiceAbility supports people who face disadvantage or discrimination to have a voice that counts. VoiceAbility offer services across the advocacy and involvement spectrum.
They work in many local authorities, offering statutory and informal advocacy, as well as nationwide for our consultancy, training and easy read services.
Road victim services

03003031965 Visit websiteASSIST Trauma Care is a specialist Third Sector (Not-for-Profit) organisation offering therapeutic help to adults and children, individuals and families, affected by a wide range of traumatic occurrences, including road trauma.
0808 8000 401 Visit websiteBrakes vision is a world that has zero deaths and injuries, and people can get around in ways that are safe, healthy and sustainable.
The helpline is for anyone in the UK who has been bereaved or seriously injured in a crash or their carers, whether the crash happened recently or a long time ago. Our helpline officers are professionals, experienced in supporting people who have suffered a dreadful experience.
The helpline is open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday
Sexual Health
Sexual Health Clinics (previously called GUM – genital and urinary medicine)
Provide contraception, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the management of genital skin conditions and genital pain, as well as HIV management and care. The services are for everyone, whatever your gender, sexuality, age, race or faith.
Northampton General Hospital: 03000 274 100
Ashwood Centre, Kettering: 03000 274 100
Sexual Violence & Rape
NADASA (Northamptonshire Against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse) is made up of different service providers across Northamptonshire working together to support adults and children who are at risk or who have suffered domestic or sexual abuse.
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis Centre
01604 250721 counselling for people who have been raped – 14years and over
Helpline: 0333 003 1988
Serenity (SARC)
03000 270 040 Serenity@nhft.nhs.ukSerenity Northants is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)who provide a sensitive and confidential service to anyone in Northamptonshire who has been a victim of rape or serious sexual assault.
Serenity is here to support you – you don’t have to tell the police if you don’t wish to. They provide a safe and confidential environment, where you can get the information you need to make the decisions about what you want to do next and explore what choices and support agencies are available.
The service is available FREE, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and provides a range of resources including medical examination, sexual health assessment, referrals to other services, collection of forensic samples, information and help about reporting, and a range of support & information services.
24/7 helpline: 01604 601713
Office Hours (8am-6pm, Mon-Fri)
Stalking & Harassment services
National Stalking Helpline
0808 802 0300Provides guidance and information to anybody who is currently or has previously been affected by harassment or stalking.
Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service
0207 840 8960Provides advice and support to high risk victims of stalking
Witness Care services
Citizens Advice:
0300 332 1000 Visit websiteThis vital service offers free support for witnesses in over 300 criminal courts across England and Wales.
Trained volunteers offer emotional support and practical help to witnesses before, during and after the trial. This includes:
•greeting witnesses
•providing court room tours
•explaining court procedures
•giving updates on the progress of the case
•providing emotional and practical support linked to giving evidence.
It is a free, confidential support service offered to anyone called to give evidence for either the prosecution or defence. This also includes witnesses under the age of 18.

Voice for Victims & Witnesses
0300 303 1965 Visit websiteVoice is a free, confidential support service for anyone affected by crime in Northamptonshire.
Young Person services

Voice for children and young people
03003031965 info@voicenorthants.orgWe’ve been set-up to only help people like you – anyone under the age of 21 in Northamptonshire who has been affected by crime, no matter what has happened, when it happened, where it happened or whether it happened to you or not. You don’t even have to have reported anything to the police.
Ask Normen
asknormen@nhs.netOffers support and specialised services to children and young people of Northamptonshire experiencing mental health issues.
08450556246 Visit websiteCAN Young Peoples Team Works with young people under 18 with substance misuse issues, providing drug, alcohol and homelessness services throughout Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire.
Visit websiteChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything -no problem is too big or too small.
Free 2 Talk
01604629624 Visit websiteFree 2 Talk CIC is a not for profit organisation that strives to tackle challenges and find effective solutions that empower families, children and young people to achieve their aspirations.
Free 2 Talk offers practical support and programmes to: Parents, Young people, Practitioners and Organisations.
03001261000 Visit websiteThe Multi-Agency Shared Hub is available to report concerns for a child’s welfare, or offer support and advice about how to make an appropriate referral.
Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC)
01604499699 Visit websiteThe aim of NAYC is to help and educate young people, especially, but not exclusively through their leisure-time activities, to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and as members of society.
Northamptonshire Rape Crisis Centre
01604250721 Visit websiteProvides counselling for people who have been raped – 14years and over
01604493336 Visit websiteWorks directly with children and families on a range of issues from protecting children from sexual abuse, through to helping families who misuse drugs and alcohol and providing social workers with the tools they need to tackle neglect.
01604888345 rise@northants.police.pnn.ukRISE stands for Reducing Incidents of Sexual Exploitation. The function of the RISE team is to provide one to one support with those who are at risk of, or who are being sexually exploited.
For Advice for Children and Young people call or text 116000 24/7
Service Six
01933226602 Six is the county’s specialist provider of outcome based professional therapeutic, support, diversionary and activity services for thousands of hard to reach children, young people, adults and families per year.
The Low Down
01604622223 Visit websiteOffer vital support services for children and young adults in Northamptonshire whatever the issue may be. The Low Down is a charity with a friendly, fully trained team.
Drop in services 6 days a week.
3 Kingswell St, Northampton NN1 1PP
Time To Talk
01327706706 Visit websiteOffer free services for young people aged 13-25 in Daventry and Towcester. This includes counselling by appointment and services that can be accessed if you just drop-in.
Youth Offending Service
Visit websiteYouth offending teams work with young people that get into trouble with the law.
They look into the background of a young person and try to help them stay away from crime.
They also:
- run localcrime prevention programmes
- help young people at the police station if they’re arrested
- help young people and their families at court
- supervise young people serving acommunity sentence
- stay in touch with a young person if they’re sentenced tocustody