
We also supported victim/survivors of Domestic Abuse by; Providing access pathways to refuge or alternative accommodation Offering comprehensive safety planning with individualised support plans Attending Specialist domestic Abuse courts held in the county to ensure clients voices were heard Providing advocacy and guidance to accessing financial support or obtaining legal orders We provided more than 75 Emergency Supermarket Vouchers to clients Referring into, co-ordinating, administering, and attending over 1560 Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) to safeguard the highest risk victim/survivors in the county Providing over 180 free counselling sessions with Volunteer councillors to clients of the Sunflower centre IDVA service We helped secure charitable funding from the Faraway Children’s charity for laptops, furniture and Christmas presents for a family fleeing abuse We provided free emergency essentials packs to over 120 clients fleeing abuse We provided free Emergency mobile Phones with credit to approx. 60 clients We used donations received into the victims fund to help clients with accommodation, travel costs and essential white goods