
About us Voice for victims and witness ltd is commissioned and funded by the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to provide free, confidential, and independent advice, guidance, and support to those who have been; • victim of crime, • witness to crime going through the court process, • victim of repeated anti-social behaviour or victim, • witness or family member affected by life changing fire incidents or road traffic collisions. Voice has access to a wide network of local and national services and provides a single point of contact for the residents of Northamptonshire to help guide them to appropriate support that best meets their individual needs. Crime and trauma can affect people in a number of different ways and whilst many find the effects of crime are short term, for some the impact can be felt for longer. Changes in how people feel following being a victim of crime, serious fire or road traffic incident are common and could be as a result of the traumatic experience they have been through. Many are surprised at the strong emotions that can be experienced including anger, upset or anxiety and how these emotions may also be displayed in physical symptoms.