Articles by Mark Ellis

Fundraising at Voice: It’s Superhero Day!

Is it a bird? …a plane? Nope – just the Voice team. On a Friday. As you do. As part of our latest bout of fundraising (we’re getting up to all sorts!), the awesome team at Voice agreed to turn up to work today dressed as their favourite superhero. Although,…

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Play your part: act on Scams Awareness Month

According to research by Financial Fraud Action (FFA), a financial scam was committed once every fifteen seconds during the first half of 2016. For some, scams are relatively easy to identify. They present themselves as unsolicited emails, phone calls and even traditional mailings. There’s usually something that gives the game…

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How to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime

Earlier this week, companies across the globe were hit yet again by a cyber attack. Like the recent ‘WannaCry’ outbreak, the new virus exploits computer operating system weaknesses in order to freeze a user’s machine and demand an untraceable Bitcoin ransom for its safe release. Such attacks are crippling for…

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“Where’s Dave?” 6 tips for a silly but safe night out

Whether it be an extended catch-up session with friends in a pub garden or long sunset walk along the beachfront, us Brits certainly know how to make the most of the warmer months. However – and without wanting to rain on your summer parade – staying safe while out and…

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20 tips for staying safe on the road

Sometimes, we all need to be reminded of the simple things in life. And driving really is simple – particularly when you make a concerted effort to stay safe on the road. With that in mind – and because it’s Road Harm Awareness Month – we thought we’d put together…

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5 ways neighbours can be vigilant against crime

There are some neighbourhoods that experience more crime than others, but few locations can claim to be crime-free. Even if you live in an area that is quiet, well-lit and historically safe, it’s inevitable at least one member of the community will experience crime at some stage. With that in…

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What to do if the news is making you feel anxious

Rolling news channels are both a blessing and a curse. If you need to take ten minutes out to catch up with what’s going on in the world, they provide an immediate fix. But when times are tough, the seemingly endless repetition of the same harrowing stories – each time…

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